ProEDA Compressed air calculator

With the compressed air calculator you can estimate the savings potential of your compressed air system.

Conveyor variants:

DIRECTLY - For compressed air systems from 5 kW to 50 kW you will receive a subsidy for the most energy-efficient renewals, without prior analysis. This variant is for smaller plants where a low annual consumption does not justify the analysis effort. Please refer to the brochures for the most efficient use.

ANALYSIS - For compressed air systems of 50 kW or with a total energy demand of more than 25'000 kWh/year already from 18 kW, we recommend that you carry out an analysis so that you can optimally design the renewal of your system. With this variant you will realise more savings and receive more subsidy.

For both variants the subsidies are limited.

Note on the entries: The savings potential is calculated on the basis of operating and load hours. The specifications are based on empirical values and can be overwritten. For frequency converters, an average utilisation of 60% is assumed.


Minimum pressure

Maximum pressure

higher-level control system
No cascade Machine management
Electricity price

Information on the compressors
Note on operating and full load hour entry:
  1. Load/idle running compressor (therefore without frequency converter): Full load hours = operating hours

  2. Air compressor with frequency converter: Full load hours = operating hours multiplied by the average load

  3. The default values for the annual operating and full load hours can be overwritten (based on hour counter and age or service book)
name compressor manufacturer typ year of birth performance
Nacht-abschaltung mumber of layers frequency converter operating hours per year full load hours per year load